Making an event with Raid Helper
A comprehensive guide on using te raid helper discord bot for setting up raids, specifically for The Elder Scrolls Online.
Go to
In the top right, choose 'Dashboard'
Log in with discord if you haven't already done so
If you have multiple guilds choose the correct one.
To create an event, choose 'Create Event'
Creating an Event
Next to all input fields you can click the green help icon to get more info on that field.
Date & Time
To set the date and time, click on the text field for it.
All our events are in CET, so you should input it like this.
If you want, you can set a duration as well, this is in minutes so for 2 hours you'd set it to 120
The deadline in this menu is the time before the event that signups will close, in hours.
You can pick from several templates, of which the most useful are:
Elder Scrolls Online:
Signups with roles and classes, useful for trials and dungeons
Sign on only, no class requirements. As with any template you can add Tentative, Late, Bench and Absence buttons as needed (explained later in this guide) but the main purpose is seeing who will be there without too many restrictions.
Same as Basic but with 'Maybe' and 'Declined' options and less flexibility to add your own buttons. Useful for quick events but can get annoying with people declining when they weren't even singed up in the first place and having to ask to move from Maybe to either Accepted or Declined before an event to get a better overview.
It is possible to create your own templates as well, as described in the documentation here:
But please if you do so make sure you don't overwrite someone else's template!
Our current custom templates are:
Custom Template 17: Fashion show (spectator & participant signups)
The event channel the event will be posted to, these should be self explanatory.
The title you want to give your event
Event description. Markdown works in the event description and announcements if you want to have different formatting or mention some roles or links there, you can find info on this here:
In the general tab we find:
These are the roles the bot will ping when the event is created.
We have the following event roles you can ping, and game roles in case it applies to all who play a certain game.
You might have to scroll a bit in the list to find these roles.
Guild Missions and Fractals are GW2 events, the rest should be self explanatory.
Voice Channel
The voice channel you will use for the event. While the event is active you will also get a green popup in discord itself with a button to join this channel, and will change the status of this voice channel automatically so it makes it easier for people to see where to go.
Allowed Roles
If you enter any roles here, then all signups must have at least one of these roles to be able to sign up. Generally this will refer to the vet requirements but I will give a short rundown of them here:
trainee tank: should have one full setup and have some experience tanking content
veteran tank: should have at least 2 full setups and more experience in veteran trials, you need at least 1 veteran tank in trials so they can wear what the trainee doesn't have.
Healers: same as tank but with healing setups (trainee healer, veteran healer)
Basically you can open your events to both vet and trainee and make sure they don't have overlapping sets.
Damage Dealers:
You can set dps requirements for your trial by requiring a dps tag:
dd trainee: 40k or 50k parse
dd adept: 60k or 70k parse
dd expert: 80k or 90k parse
dd master: 100k+ parse
So if your dps requirement is 60k you can add adept, expert and master to your allowed roles. As lower roles are not retained so someone with 80k will have expert but won't keep trainee.
If you require a previous clear of the trial you are doing we also have trial clear tags you can use. As with dps tags members only keep the highest one so if you want people to have for example a vdsr clear you should include vdsr, vdsr hm, swashbuckler and both partial hardmodes (twins and reef guardian). Check pithka if you aren't sure what the partial hardmodes or trifecta are called.
Banned roles
Members will not be able to sign up to the main roster if they have one of these roles, even if they have a role that's on the allowed list.
Sometimes it benches them and other times it fully denies them, I haven't quite figured out what it is that makes it one or the other.
If someone gets denied but wants to bench instead they can ask you and you can manually sign them up to the bench. (more on this later)
Generally we ban the guest role and the no show role since people who are in the guild and don't have a recent history of skipping events get priority for signups. No Show is a at the bottom so you might have to scroll a bit.
The color your event signups and temporary role will get.
Choose a picture that will be added at the bottom of your signups post. You can either upload your own (blue cloud button) or choose from some pre-existing ones (green folder button).
You can add a custom announcement that will be posted before your event happens. If you just want the default reminder that pings everyone 15 minutes before the event you can leave this as it is.
Some options include to have the bot DM people who are signed up x amount of hours before the event.
In the Premium tab we find:
Temporary role
This role will be assigned to all who sign up so you can easily ping all your participants later. You can use your own text or let the bot append it by itself with one of the following keywords:
Make sure you don't use an existing role as temporary role so it doesn't get overwritten!
Set up the event to be automatically posted every x days, hours, minutes,...
Don't post the event immediately but set a specific time the signups will be posted to the chosen channel.
This message will be sent as a DM to people when they sign up, can be used to add more info but they might also have DMs blocked and not read it at all!
Here you can set the maximum amount of each role you want to allow. For veteran trials this will generally look something like this:
Don't put a limit on stamina or magicka since they are the same, you can limit dps signups with the overarching one.
For normal trials you will generally want 1 tank 2 healers 9 dps
For 4 man content you can use 1 tank 2 dps 1 healer or go 1 tank 3 dps
Advanced: Optional settings
These are not as important to change since the server has its default settings for these, you can change limit to 12 here as well to make it look nicer on the schedule. All of this is also explained here:
I will go over some that can be useful situationally, the next section has options that should be left alone.
same as 'deadline' in the time and date section, the time in hourse before the even that signups will close.
max amount of signups in total, across all roles (not inlcuding Bench, Maybe, Tentative, etc). Will also show up on the overview so it makes it easier for people to see if there is still space.
Same as in date & time, the duration of the event in minutes.
Lower limit
You can set a lower limit for amount of signups you want in order for the event to happen and it will show up on the signups.
Font style
Purely cosmetic choice.
Late_emote, tentative_emote, bench_emote, absence_emote
You can use these to remove/add these buttons to your signups.
To remove, set them to 'none'
To add, set them to 'default'
The green checkmarks in this menu can be kept as default except for:
if you want users to be able to fully remove themselves instead of just set as absence this box can be checked.
Advanced: do not change!
These options have defaults set for the guild and should not be changed unless absolutely required. You can find our default settings at the bottom of this page.
if you set this to true or a number then the event will be deleted x amount of hours after start time. We use archive instead so keep this to false.
We don't really use attendance but you can keep it as on since it doesn't really matter
Limit per user
Keep it as 1 so people can't sign up as 2 roles at the same time and take spots away from others
Date variant
Keep as both so it shows time in CET and the local time for signups
Preserve order
keep as 'normal' so users won't get removed from the roster if they want to change roles
Force reminders
keep as false, this is only useful if you want to still ping people who have reminders turned off but no one really knows how to turn them off anyway :p
copy signups from a previous event so users can sign off instead of sign up, mostly for static rosters
also cosmetic, you can choose to have reactions to sign up instead of buttons but reactions are harder to read
Can change this to false if you don't want a thread but it's useful to have a thread so another channel doesn't get spammed.
same as response in the premium tab
we don't use forums for events
same as reminder in announcements tab
can mess up formatting, keep as none
keep as long to give people more stuff to read
Leader_emote, Signups1_emote, Time_emote, Date_emote, countdown_emote
changes leader, signup or time emote, purely cosmetic and pointless
Guild wide Advanced Default Settings
These are set up for you and only server admins can change these overall settings, you can still change the settings per individual event as needed.