Aetherian Archive
Lightning Storm Atronach (Boss 1)
stand in yellow circle when the boss does lightning storm attack
Foundation Stone Atronach (Boss 2)
when boss is spread out: stack together
when boss is curled up like a turtle: spread out
Varlariel (Boss 3)
kill her clones when she splits
you can split in 2 groups to either flank of her so player AoE's will hit the clones as they spawn
The Mage (Boss 4)
stay on her back as a dps, outside of the circle on the floor
tank taunts each axe once, soft aggro will stay on them as long as tank doesn't get stunned
boss only does chain lightning in the direction she is looking, this should only hit the tank
lightning will spread from the tank if dps are too close to the tank
Overcharger: overcharge attack puts a sticky lightning AoE on a player, can stay in group but don't overlap 2, call lightning attack -> keep moving if you are the target
Chainspinner: spinning AoE attack, block the explosion
Nullifier: healer add, with ground AoEs and healing beams